Inspired by the aesthetic of a frigid winter on the prairie, these luminous images by PERRY VAILE light up the barren landscape. With inspiration so often found in the lush and in abundance, this creative team led by stylist LACY GEARY was looking to capture the beauty of ruggedness and simplicity. Yearning to create something that heralded couples who worked hard, lived lives that weren't as plush–though still inspiring–and loved in the midst of it all. Lacy says, "We wanted to elevate this concept with a story of a young bride on her wedding day waiting for her love to come home from the war. As he crossed the plain to to find his heart waiting for him to tie their lives as one." We couldn't be more in love with the textures and colour palette of this shoot, not to mention the melancholy mood, and that gown by MARIA LLUISA RABEL transports us back to a time forgotten. This gorgeous shoot also features in Issue 17 of MAGNOLIA ROUGE MAGAZINE.