The mere fact that this prettiest of shoots was captured at a LILAC FARM makes it a winner in my books! I want to live in this place… can you imagine, the beauty of the flowers as well as that intoxicating scent wafting through the air! This utterly adorable shoot by the equally adorable MARIEL HANNAH features in the current LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE. With creative direction and florals by POPPY DESIGN CO. I simply want to leap into the screen and live in this for a while. Love the message that Mariel is conveying in this shoot as she explains below…
"Many times – though not in all cases, we creatives have the tendency to push ourselves beyond our limits and lose all inspiration. Though we don’t mean to, we forget to remember the reasons of why we began our journey to choose art, passion, creativity and beauty. I encourage you, as creatives to take a moment to step back, remove yourself from the industry and tedious business affairs. Simply do what your heart yearns and dreams for. Humbly nurture your creative soul and do it often. Return to the basics and always stay inspired, keep the passion that began it. Take care of it because it can so easily be lost. We encourage you to love life and embrace it fully but always stay true to your being. Always take time to un-plug and immerse yourself in this raw and un-apologetic life. Do what you love. Always."