It's easy to get lost in the idyllic scenes of this dreamy shoot co-styled and produced by English Wedding stylist THE TIMELESS STYLIST. Upon hearing the incredible tale of her husband's Grandfather's love story, Denise from LUXE & BLOOM was inspired to turn it into an editorial shoot. The key elements of inspiration are the gentleman and his experience of war, the lake where the lovebirds met and spent time at, and the poem – I Carry Your Heart by EE Cummings – that sums up this love so perfectly. The beautiful images by HANNAH DUFFY PHOTOGRAPHY will take you on a journey.
Not wanting to waste any time he created a perfect moment to ask Pinuccia’s hand in marriage – without hesitation, she said yes. Weeks later Nicolo Naldini received a letter confirming his deployment to join the Italian troops for WW2. His love for Pinuccia was so new and yet so deep, the news of separation was hard to fathom. He promised to return to his true love. He wrote the most beautiful love letters to her weekly, telling of harrowing scenes around him and reminding her – “it is your love carrying me through”, every letter signed off “Saro a casa presto, Mio Amore -I will be home soon, My Love.”
In a turn of events, he was one of many soldiers who had been captured and taken into a rival concentration camp. I imagine the flood of emotions raging through his mind. Fear of never seeing his family again, the relief that his part in this war is over, the little freedom of taking an afternoon stroll] for Gelato will never be. The loss of not knowing what love would feel like walking beside his dear Pinuccia. The grief in imaging her receiving the news that his life is no more – realising that he stood in line to walk into gas chambers where his time would end, he fought back the fear to remember the joy in his life. At this moment, his fate had changed. An American solider escorted him out of the queue – his life had been spared. Shortly after, Nicolo returned home and not wanting to waste another moment a date was set, and the couple were married.
Their wedding day was filled with a tangible sense of joy and hope – his life’s mission was to honour Pinuccia for the rest of his life.
Io, Nicolo, prendo te, Pinuccia,
come mio sposo e prometto di esserti fedele sempre,
nella gioia e nel dolore, nella salute e nella malattia,
e di amarti e onorarti tutti i giorni della mia vita.
"I imagine the moments after they declared their love and escaped for a quiet moment, just the two of them. They were overwhelmed with a sense of relief that their two worlds are now one, a courageous life rewarded with an authentic love story, a simple couple who desired to love and be loved stepping into a covenant blessed by God. I imagine her sitting at his feet, resting her head in his lap – symbolising the reality of feeling safe and a nurturing intimacy. Mr and Mrs Naldini went on to share a
glorious 65 years of marriage and raised three beautiful children. When she passed he became a shell of himself and when he spoke of her, his eyes would light up. But the shadow of grief followed him until the day he was reunited with his true love."

A huge thanks to English Wedding stylist THE TIMELESS STYLIST for sharing this truly beautiful inspiration with us. As a designer and stylist, Amy is known for creating a mood of timeless elegance through a lightness of touch, dreamy tablescapes, and a carefully considered blend of antique and contemporary details. "I work with those who dream of a tasteful, beautiful experience like no other, and strive to purposefully incorporate meaningful details into every visual aspect. From creating a design concept rooted in thoughtful storytelling and finding visionary vendors who bring their own magic, through to painstakingly setting each table with just the right notes for an incredible atmosphere. I’m here to create a one-of-a-kind experience of enduring beauty, just for you." You can see more of her work in her portfolio here.
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